[leaf_paths as $path | {
"key": $path | map(tostring) | join("_"),
"value": getpath($path)
}] | from_entries
$ cat data/nested.json|jq '[leaf_paths as $path | {
"key": $path | map(tostring) | join("_"),
"value": getpath($path)
}] | from_entries
"server_atx_user": "annie",
"server_atx_port": 22,
"storage_nyc_user": "nntrn",
"storage_nyc_port": 22
def categorize:
# Returns "object", "array" or "scalar" to indicate the category
# of the piped element.
if type == "object" then "object"
elif type == "array" then "array"
else "scalar"
def pluck($category):
# Plucks the children of a particular category from piped element.
if categorize != "object"
then empty
else to_entries[]
| select(.value | categorize == $category)
| .value
def split:
# Splits the piped element's children into arrays, scalars, and objects
# and returns a meta object containing the children seperated by these
# keys. If the piped element is a scalar or array, this does not look
# at the children, but just returns that element in the meta object.
if categorize == "scalar" then { objects: [], arrays: [], scalars: [.] }
elif categorize == "array" then { objects: [], arrays: [.], scalars: [] }
else { objects: [pluck("object")], arrays : [pluck("array")], scalars: [pluck("scalar")] }
def unwrap:
# Unwraps an array recursively, until the elements of the returned array
# are either scalars or objects but not arrays. If piped element is not
# an array, returns the element as is.
if type != "array" then .
elif length == 0 then empty
else .[] | unwrap
def extract($category):
# Extracts the elements of a particular category from the piped in array.
# If the piped in element is not an array, this fn acts as filter to
# only return the element if it is of the desired category.
unwrap | select(.| categorize == $category);
def unroll:
# Unrolls the passed in object recursively until only scalars are left.
# Returns a row for each leaf node of tree structure of the object and
# elements of the row would be all the scalars encountered at all the
# ancestor levels of this left node.
. | .result += .state.scalars
| .state.objects += [.state.arrays | extract("object")]
| .state.objects += [.state.arrays | extract("scalar")]
| if (.state.objects | length == 0 )
then .result
else ({ data : .state.objects,
state: .state.objects[] | split,
result: .result
} | unroll)
def unrolls($data): { data: $data, state: $data| split, result: [] } | unroll ;
def unrolls: unrolls(.);