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  • Complementary: Includes two colors that are at opposite sides of a color wheel, or to put it another way, opposite hues. The two colors are defined as a base color, and the base color with hue channel +180 degrees.

  • Triadic: Includes three colors equal distances apart around the color wheel. The three colors are defined as a base color, base color with hue channel -120 degrees, and base color with hue channel +120 degrees.

  • Tetradic: Includes four colors equal distances apart around the color wheel. The four colors are defined as a base color, and base color with hue channel +90, +180, and +270 degrees.

  • Monochrome: Includes multiple colors with the same hue but varying lightness values. In our example we've defined five colors in a monochrome palette — base color, and base color with lightness channel -20, -10, +10, and +20.