Although life and death remain a mystery, science is showing us that contrary to what some philosophers, doctors, and scientists have argued for centuries, neither biological nor mental processes end in an absolute sense with death. There is much more to be discovered, but science does, at a minimum, suggest that our consciousness and selfhood are not annihilated when we cross over into death and into the great unknown.
In death, we may also come to discover that each of our actions, thoughts, and intentions in life, from the most minute, to the most extreme, do matter.#6547•
We will hear from thousands of people who have walked into and returned from that liminal "grey zone" beyond death. These people, having had a recalled experience of death (or RED), return with a uniform, standardized series of experiences. It doesn't matter that they've never met or communicated with each other, or that they died in Mexico, Iran, Thailand, America, Denmark, or the United Kingdom.
No matter how varied their lives, their encounters with death have a startling narrative unity.#6548•