Foucault challenged the idea that "knowledge is power," saying
that the two are related more subtly. He coined the term
"power–knowledge" for this relationship, noting that
knowledge creates power, but is also created by power. Today, power is exercised
by controlling what forms of knowledge are acceptable, presenting them as
truths, and excluding other forms of knowledge. At the same time, accepted
knowledge, the discourse, is actually produced in the process of exercising
"Gender is an impersonation… becoming gendered involves impersonating an
ideal that nobody actually inhabits."Judith Butler#2048•
But in the 1970s Pierre Bourdieu claimed, in Distinction, that the issue was more complex: social class is not
defined solely by economics, he said, "but by the class habitus which is
normally associated with that position." This concept was first discussed by
the 13th-century Italian theologian Thomas Aquinas, who claimed that the things
people want or like, and the way they act, is because they think of themselves as a
certain kind of person: each of us has a particular inclination, or habitus.#2046•
Bourdieu also saw scholastic capital
(intellectual knowledge), linguistic capital (ease in the command of language,
determining who has the authority to speak and be heard), and political capital
(status in the political world) as playing a part in class.#2045•
Disneyization replaces mundane blandness with spectacular experiences • Alan Bryman
Bryman identifies four aspects to Disneyization: theming, hybrid consumption,
merchandizing, and emotional labor.#2059•
The term "emotional labor" was coined by Arlie Hochschild in
The Managed Heart to describe a person
altering their outward behavior to conform to an ideal#2057•
Bryman proposes Disneyization as a parallel notion to George Ritzer's
McDonaldization, a process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant
(McDonald's itself is merely a symbol) come to dominate more and more
sectors of society. McDonaldization is grounded in the idea of rationalization
and produces sameness. Theme parks echo this in several ways, but Disneyization
is essentially about increasing the inclination to consume (goods and services),
often through variety and difference.#2060•
Chapter 126
In Disneyization this
occurs where a job appears to become more of a performance, with a scripted
interaction, dressing up, and the impression of having endless fun.#2058•
We are living in a world that is beyond controllability • Ulrich Beck
Beck identifies three significant qualities of risk. First, global,
irreparable damage: accidents cannot be compensated for, so insurance no longer
works. Second, exclusion of precautionary aftercare: we cannot return conditions
to the way they were before the accident. Third, no limit on space and time:
accidents are unpredictable, can be felt across national borders, and impose
their effects over long periods of time.#2061•
We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning • Jean Baudrillard
According to Baudrillard, our reality is now dictated by the incredible amount
of information that streams into our lives from so many forms of media. He says
that, strangely, although the real is disappearing, "it is not because of
a lack of it, but an excess of it." An excess of information pouring into
our awareness puts an end to information, he says, because we drown in
complexity, and reach for the simple solution that is handed to us.#2062•
The more sophisticated machines become, the less skill the worker has • Harry Braverman
The effects become wholly negative, he claims, when
automation of the workplace is coupled with radical changes to the social
relations of production: the way in which the total labor process is organized,
managed, and manipulated. He emphasizes the distinction between advances in
science and technology and how those are implemented in the workplace on the one
hand, and changes to the social relations of production—the drive for
ever-more efficient ways to organize and divide up the labor force—on the
In processing people, the product is a state of mind • Arlie Russell Hochschild
"Women make a resource out of feeling and offer it to men."Arlie Russell Hochschild#2064•
When love finally wins it has to face all kinds of defeat • Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim
Individuals now have a greater desire for emotionally fulfilling
relationships, which has fueled industries such as couples' therapy and
self-help publishing. But the ties that bind are fragile and people tend to move
on if perfection is not achieved. As the couple say, even when individuals do
fall in love ("when love finally wins"), there are often more
battles ahead—division, resentment, and divorce, for example.#2065•