What Motivates Your Character?
Linda Segar's book Making a Good Script Great outlines the seven character motivators that "explain what drives us, what we want and what's at stake if we don't get it."
They are:
Survival—The basic need to live and survive.
Safety and Security—Once basic needs are taken care of, we need to feel safe, secure, and protected.
Love and Belonging—Once we have a home, we desire a sense of family or community or connection. Unconditional love and acceptance.
Esteem and Self-Respect—Is earned love and respect for what you've done in your life, to be looked up to and to be recognized.
The Need to Know and Understand—The search for knowledge. We have a natural curious desire to know how things work and how things fit together.
The Aesthetic—The need for balance, a sense of order in life, a sense of being connected to something greater than ourselves. Can be spiritual.
Self-Actualization—To express ourselves; to communicate who we are; to actualize our talents, skills, and abilities whether or not we are publicly recognized.#3406•