Creating Emotional Attraction

Alex Altman

9 annotations Dec 2021 data

2. Where To Begin?

  • Patterns are controlled by three aspects: Emotions Beliefs Behaviors

4. What Do Men Really Want?

  • Men just want a woman that gives him simple requests he can fulfill. Whereas, with his purpose, he feels that's straightforward, and it's something he can easily do. Therefore, if you give a man simple requests about how can fulfill your needs and wants
  • Going on dates, snuggling on the couch together and having sex are all ways men bond with women.

5. Getting His True Personality To Come Out

  • Once you acknowledge the persona, suddenly his real self-comes out. Then the ball is suddenly in his court, how is he going to handle this? Will he jump back to his persona, or is he going to remain in the moment with you as his true self. This "image" that people construct for the outside world isn't who they are or who they want to be. No one wants to put on an act, it's uncomfortable and requires a lot of work.

6. Why Men Are So Distant

  • The key difference between men and women isn't their purpose. It's that women are naturally better at multitasking. They have the ability to find balance between focusing on their purpose and connecting with their man.

9. Eliminate Your Negative Beliefs Quickly & Change Your Life Permenently

  • Reframing: Our minds look to support what we believe. If you believe in something that's negative, your mind will work to support your beliefs by bringing those negative beliefs to fruition. This is a good way to change the way you see situations you experience by breaking old associations and create new meanings for those experiences. To begin reframing, you need to unlink that thought of cause and effect. You would say to yourself, "When this happens, it always leads to that happening."
  • PSTEC: This has been nothing short of life-changing for me and all the people I've directed to this. It decreases the emotions and feelings you have toward a past experience or something current. For example, someone's spouse does something they don't like, this might make them angry. The click-tracks will remove the anger one might have towards their partners specific behavior. Maybe there's a past event in your life where something happened and you developed a fear, you could click-track that to remove the fear. Many people go throughout their lives reliving the past over-and-over in their minds.
  • PSTEC ( is completely free.

12. Why Fear Is Preventing You From Meeting A Good Guy

  • By uncovering positive fears, we uncover most people have a fear of being successful. It's not that they don't want to be successful, it's all the added items that come with success that scares them. Maybe they're not good enough, or they believe a relationship will require a lot of time or they're only going to get hurt again. It's these underlying beliefs that sabotage our own efforts and we don't even realize it.