Models: Attract Women Through Honesty

Mark Manson

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Chapter 1: Non-Neediness

  • Highly needy men will end up in relationships sometimes, but only with highly needy women. The highly needy man is constantly working to earn a woman's approval, and a highly needy woman is constantly in need of a man's approval. So the two conspire together, usually with one creating drama/emotional meltdowns and the other one endlessly fixing it. This relationship is toxic and can harm each person's self-worth.

Chapter 2: Power in Vulnerability

  • For instance, making yourself vulnerable doesn't just mean being willing to share your fears or insecurities. It can mean putting yourself in a position where you can be rejected, saying a joke that may not be funny, asserting an opinion that may offend others, introducing yourself to a group of people you don't know, telling a woman that you like her and want to date her. All of these things require you to stick your neck out on the line emotionally in some way. You're making yourself vulnerable when you do them.
  • As vulnerability researcher Brene Brown says, "The less you talk about your shame, the more of it you have."

Chapter 3: The Gift of Truth

  • You can say the lamest and grossest (or funniest, depending on your perspective) thing to women, and if the sub-communication is, "I really don't care if you laugh or run away horrified, but here's who I am, take it or leave it," this sub-communicates a rock-bottom level of investment and an incredibly high level of vulnerability.
  • Again, being a "nice guy" is never much different than being a narcissist. One only gives. The other only takes. But both are the same in their desperation for approval.