The Positive Trait Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide to Character Attributes

Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi

42 annotations Feb 2023 – Nov 2023 data


  • Character strengths aid us in fulfilling our needs and desires and encouraging self-growth, while weaknesses often hold us back. In some situations, it can be difficult to tell a weakness from a strength, especially since flaws may form out of an understandable desire to keep us from being hurt.
  • Who is this character and what makes me care about him enough to write his story? Jot down notes about his quirks, attitudes, morals, and beliefs to get a sense of who he is, using this thesaurus for inspiration. Delve into his backstory. Who hurt him and why? Who showed him love or made him feel like he belonged? What challenges did he face that hardened him or weakened him? Once you have a good idea of who he is, then ask yourself: Based on what I know about this person, what is the worst thing that could happen to him?
  • The interesting thing about characters is that, like real people, if you put them all in the same situation, they will react differently. Even those who share the same attribute will respond in distinctive ways due to the combination of traits they possess.
  • Without imminent danger, even primal stakes cease to be compelling
  • Reader concern for the hero often stems from the unconscionable nature of the bad guy. But if the character opposing the hero isn't terrifying, then the stakes don't seem quite so desperate. To make sure this doesn't happen, do your homework. Map out the villain's character arc so you're aware of what he wants and why he's so desperate to achieve it
  • Analytical characters are thinkers, and can often see much deeper into a problem or situation than others. They enjoy the process of metaphorically reducing an object or issue to its base components in order to see what's working and what needs improvement. These characters work well alone, are dedicated and intelligent, and are strong problem solvers.
  • NEGATIVE ASPECTS: Characters with this attribute tend to get caught up in the details and miss the big picture. Their minds are always working, which can make it difficult for them to relax and enjoy social situations. Their constant desire to analyze everyone and everything can make people uncomfortable. For these reasons, analytical characters may have a hard time connecting with others on a meaningful level.
  • Because creative types tend to focus on their gifts, they may be somewhat out of touch with reality. This can lead to awkwardness or insecurity in social situations. Their focus on the muse can distract them from day-to-day practicalities, like housecleaning, paying the bills, and grocery shopping. The need to create can become so all-consuming that it leads to the neglect of important relationships, bringing about isolation. The path to creation is also rife with naysayers, turning some creative characters negative and jaded or instigating thoughts of self-doubt that lead to depression.
  • Difficulty paying attention on a task if something more interesting is present
  • Breaking rules in order to follow an idea or interest
  • Curious characters are drawn to problems or inconveniences that other people would choose to avoid. Their curiosity can make them adventurous, spurring them on to do things others wouldn't do. They are often knowledgeable, either in a general way or about something specific.
  • Curious characters are often impulsive, acting without thinking. They can be single-minded to a fault—focusing on their pursuit (or being hopelessly distracted) and following whatever rabbit trail appears before them. Those who are curious are frequently more interested in their current topic of exploration than their relationships and may not understand or appreciate those without a similar level of curiosity.
  • CHALLENGING SCENARIOS FOR THE CURIOUS CHARACTER: Dealing with people who are protective of their knowledge Living in a society where free thinking is discouraged Being given tasks that require strict attention and focus Working with people who lack drive or the desire to explore
  • POSITIVE ASPECTS: Easygoing characters are comfortable to be around. They're laid-back and take life as it comes. Rather than stress over things that are out of their control, they go with the flow and enjoy the positives. Characters with this trait don't worry about winning or losing or chasing success; they simply enjoy the experience.
  • NEGATIVE ASPECTS: Easygoing characters don't always have the same priorities as other people. Their mellow approach to life may lead others to believe that they're apathetic or lack passion. Being easygoing means not being concerned with things that may be important to others, like punctuality, orderliness, or ambition. This difference in priorities can cause conflict with characters who value such things.
  • Striving to balance honesty and tact
  • NEGATIVE ASPECTS: Honest characters don't always know when directness is unwanted or unnecessary. Sometimes they view things in such extremes of black or white that their forthrightness comes across as being overly blunt. It's easy for honest characters to give advice unsolicited; on occasions when a listening ear would be preferred, they have difficulty not evaluating the problem and offering opinions.
  • Idealistic characters are valued for their honesty, their ability to listen, and their genuine, caring natures. They make strong peacemakers and advisors by ignoring the fluff, focusing instead on the heart of a problem and what it will take to make those involved more happy and fulfilled. They are resilient and determined when it comes to their convictions and cannot easily be brought down by disappointment or failure. These characters have big dreams and the courage to chase them, which often leads to change for the better.
  • While they're able to easily visualize the big picture, idealists sometimes have a hard time ironing out the details. Their inability to see how to make the dream a reality on a practical level can frustrate both them and the people dedicated to helping them succeed.
  • Asking questions to ensure that one fully understands
  • Sometimes preferring to observe rather than participate
  • Objective characters do well in an advisor's role because they are able to separate emotions from a volatile situation and proceed logically. When problems arise, they will go to great lengths to come up with a solution that is fair, based on the facts presented. Others respect that these characters take the time to investigate and gather information when making decisions. By being impartial, even when family or friends are involved, the advice of an objective character usually holds a lot of weight.
  • Amy Farrah Fowler from The Big Bang Theory is naturally objective, which suits her as a neurobiologist. She has a strong handle on her emotions and asks questions to get to the root of the issue at hand. Highly observant, she acts based on information and proven truth rather than being swayed by intuition or emotion.
  • Knowing oneself accurately and intimately
  • Being logical yet having good intuition
  • Although his fellow travelers at first are put off by his strangeness, they eventually come to respect his insight and rely on his input
  • Continually making comparisons and evaluating
  • Philosophical characters read deeply into situations and aren't afraid of intellectual heavy lifting in order to find answers. Well-educated and thoughtful, when they share what is on their minds, they can provoke curiosity in others and encourage them to probe harder to resolve their own unanswered questions. These characters have a lot of wisdom, and while they won't dole it out quickly, they are excellent sounding boards for friends or family who need to work through problems.
  • These characters can sometimes find themselves alienated from life itself, for as they quest for answers, they can forget to experience the world firsthand. Friends and family may view them as silent, brooding types, or feel that they overthink everything. Philosophical characters can have hobbies that most people don't get or aren't interested in, and they tend to have fewer relationships because of the importance solitude plays in puzzling out life's big mysteries. They can also be long-winded when imparting ideas, causing impatience or boredom.
  • Being amused when others are discomfited by one's uniqueness Sticking to one's individuality despite opposition Being open-minded Enjoying life Doing even mundane tasks a little differently than others Defying the norm Being annoyed when others follow trends and jump on popular bandwagons Espousing beliefs and opinions that are different from the mainstream
  • Simple characters are often happy to stay in the background, increasing the likelihood of their being overlooked. If they have something to say, it's usually important or insightful, although others may not listen or trust their wisdom because of their unassuming natures. Their desire to keep things simple means they're often reluctant to get involved in initiatives or try new experiences, which robs them of opportunities that could lead to greater satisfaction and happiness.
  • Reading into what people say; naturally spotting double meanings
  • Quoting movies, books, and pop culture in a humorous way
  • Witty characters make observations that can turn mundane situations or events into hilarity. These characters are often the first to make a joke and can elevate an existing quip by adding another layer of observation, carrying the humor farther. Quick-thinking, witty folks deliver one-liners which are both clever and eye-opening, allowing others to experience a situation's meaning at a different level, often through the lens of irony
  • Characters with a quick wit can sometimes let their mouths get ahead of their good sense, offering humor when it isn't wanted or needed or joking in a way that makes people uncomfortable. Some characters who are enthralled with their own wittiness can veer into caustic wit and sarcasm, which can hurt or humiliate others. There is also the chance that an observation about a group or belief could unknowingly touch on a sensitive subject and offend listeners. In addition, people can be turned off by a witty character's constant one-upmanship.
  • IDENTITY VS. PERSONA: What five words would your character use to describe himself? What five words would his best friend use? What about a co-worker, an acquaintance, and a stranger? How does the character's view of himself differ from the ways others see him? Of all the words used to describe your character, which ones are true, and which ones are not? Are other people making assumptions about your character based on how he looks and acts? Does the character intend for this to happen, or is he unaware that he is sending out these messages about himself? What is one thing that surprises him about how others view him? Does this make him upset or happy?
  • WANTS, NEEDS, AND DESIRES: What surface wants does your character have at the start of the story—to get a new job, to be recognized for his hard work, to pull off a surprise party for his wife? What does he think will make him happy? Then, going deeper: what is lacking in the character's life? What needs are not being met? What are his hopes and dreams, the very things he dare not wish for, the things that seem too big or too hard to pursue? If he could wave a magic wand and make one thing appear, what would he pick for himself? What would build his self-esteem, make him feel whole, and allow him to face any hardship or challenge life could throw his way? What are his life goals?
  • THINK OF THE YOUR character's attributes as a target made of concentric circles. At his heart lies morality, the foundation that determines his sense of right and wrong and determines the rest of his attributes. Achievement-focused traits aid the character in reaching professional and personal goals. Interactive attributes help with communication, encouraging meaningful connections with other people and the world. Identity attributes contribute to self-discovery and satisfy his need for creative and personal expression. Choosing attributes from all four areas will greatly contribute to creating a complex and relatable hero.
  • ACHIEVEMENT Adaptable Adventurous Alert Ambitious Analytical Bold Cautious Centered Charming Confident Cooperative Courageous Creative Curious Decisive Disciplined Efficient Focused Idealistic Imaginative Independent Industrious Intelligent Mature Meticulous Obedient Objective Observant Organized Passionate Patient Pensive Perceptive Persistent Persuasive Proactive Professional Resourceful Responsible Sensible Studious Talented Thrifty Wise
  • IDENTITY Adventurous Affectionate Ambitious Bold Centered Charming Confident Creative Curious Disciplined Easygoing Enthusiastic Extroverted Flamboyant Flirtatious Funny Happy Honorable Idealistic Imaginative Independent Innocent Inspirational Intelligent Introverted Just Kind Mature Merciful Nature-Focused Nurturing Optimistic Passionate Patriotic Pensive Persuasive Philosophical Playful Proper Quirky Sensual Sentimental Simple Sophisticated Spiritual Spontaneous Talented Traditional Uninhibited Whimsical Wholesome Witty
  • INTERACTIVE Adaptable Adventurous Affectionate Alert Analytical Appreciative Bold Calm Cautious Charming Confident Cooperative Courageous Courteous Curious Diplomatic Discreet Easygoing Empathetic Enthusiastic Extroverted Flamboyant Flirtatious Friendly Funny Generous Gentle Happy Honest Honorable Hospitable Humble Imaginative Independent Industrious Innocent Inspirational Introverted Just Kind Loyal Mature Merciful Nature-Focused Nurturing Obedient Objective Observant Optimistic Passionate Patient Patriotic Perceptive Persuasive Philosophical Playful Private Professional Proper Protective Quirky Resourceful Sensible Sensual Sentimental Simple Socially Aware Sophisticated Spiritual Spontaneous Spunky Supportive Tolerant Traditional Trusting Uninhibited Unselfish Whimsical Wholesome Witty
  • MORAL Appreciative Centered Cooperative Courageous Courteous Diplomatic Empathetic Friendly Generous Honest Honorable Hospitable Humble Innocent Just Kind Loyal Merciful Obedient Optimistic Patient Persistent Professional Proper Protective Responsible Socially Aware Spiritual Supportive Thrifty Tolerant Trusting Unselfish Wholesome