"Nothing is harder than living with a secret that can't be spoken." Edward Snowden wasn't worried about people asking about his secret, but rather was worried about how he could safely get his secret out.#4257•
Among more than 50,000 research participants I've surveyed, the most common secrets include a lie we've told (69%), romantic desire (61%), sex (58%), and finances (58%).#4259•
I find in my research that the more immoral we consider a personal experience or action, the more it feels like a secret, rather than something that is merely private. I also find that the more we think others would find the information relevant to their own lives, the more something unsaid feels like secrecy instead of privacy.#4256•
I find in my research that there is another major reason you may choose to avoid a conversation topic: you are trying to avoid a conflict.#4258•
whether having had many experiences from the list or just a few) tends to be less extraverted and less emotionally stable, but more conscientious. The profile of someone more likely to get involved in the kinds of situations that people keep secret, however, is that of someone who is open, extraverted, and emotionally stable, but less agreeable and less conscientious.#4260•